Progressive Web App Development

Progressive Web App Development

Tekvill: Building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) That Bridge the Gap Between Web and Mobile.

In today's mobile-first world, users expect a seamless and engaging experience, regardless of whether they access your offering through a web browser or a mobile device.  Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) offer the perfect solution, blending the best of both worlds: web accessibility and native app-like functionality.  Tekvill's team of PWA developers leverages cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to build PWAs that deliver lightning-fast performance, offline functionality, and push notifications – all without requiring app store downloads.

Why Choose Tekvill for Progressive Web App Development?

At Tekvill, our Progressive Web App Development process is a strategic and collaborative journey that transforms your vision into a robust online retail platform.

Service Workers & Caching Strategies

We utilize Service Workers, a powerful PWA feature, to intercept network requests and enable offline functionality. Combined with strategic caching techniques, your PWA will deliver a smooth user experience even when an internet connection is unavailable.

Push Notifications for Enhanced Engagement

PWAs allow users to opt-in for push notifications, keeping them informed about updates, promotions, or new content directly on their home screen. This fosters stronger user engagement and brand loyalty.

Web App Manifest for Discoverability

We meticulously craft a Web App Manifest file, essentially a blueprint for your PWA. This file provides vital information like app name, icons, and splash screens, enhancing discoverability and improving the user experience when adding your PWA to the home screen.

Performance Optimization with Lighthouse

Our developers utilize Lighthouse, an open-source auditing tool by Google, to identify and address performance bottlenecks. This ensures your PWA loads lightning fast, regardless of the device or network conditions.

Offline Capabilities with IndexedDB

Need your PWA to function seamlessly even when users are offline? We leverage IndexedDB, a powerful browser-based database, to store essential data locally. This allows users to access key functionalities and content even without an internet connection.

Find The Best Progressive Web App Development Agency

At Tekvill, we understand that exceptional PWAs go beyond just code.  Our development process prioritizes creating a user-centric experience that keeps your audience engaged. Here’s what sets us apart

User Research & Persona Development

We conduct thorough user research to understand your target audience’s needs and behaviors. This informs the design and functionality of your PWA.

Responsive Design for All Devices

Our developers ensure your PWA adapts seamlessly across all devices, from desktop computers to tablets and smartphones. 

Focus on Security

PWAs leverage HTTPS encryption protocols, ensuring secure communication between the user’s device and your servers. We prioritize best practices to safeguard user data and maintain a high level of trust.


Brands That Trust US

Here are a few clients who helped us shape future