Lightscanada – Elevating Home Decor E-commerce through Platform Optimization

Lightscanada, a prominent home decor brand, initially operated on an E-commerce platform built with Laravel. However, they encountered hurdles in adapting to new e-commerce features and optimizing their platform’s capabilities. Seeking a more user-friendly and efficient solution, Lightscanada partnered with Tekvill to upgrade and optimize their E-commerce platform.

Challenges Faced: Throughout the project, several challenges emerged:

Limited E-commerce Features: The existing Laravel-based platform posed constraints in integrating new e-commerce features, hindering the brand’s ability to adapt to evolving market demands.

User Experience Enhancement: Lightscanada required a complete overhaul of the platform’s user interface and experience to improve customer engagement and conversion rates.

Scalability and Efficiency: With the business expanding, the need for a scalable and efficient infrastructure to support growing demands became imperative.

Solutions Provided by Tekvill: Tekvill embarked on a transformative journey for Lightscanada, implementing strategic solutions:

Complete UI/UX Redesign: Tekvill initiated a comprehensive redesign of the platform’s user interface and experience. This overhaul aimed to enhance user engagement, simplify navigation, and improve the overall aesthetics of the site.

Backend Functionality Enhancement: Tekvill bolstered the backend functionality, ensuring a robust and scalable infrastructure capable of handling the growing demands of an E-commerce business. This involved optimizing performance and streamlining processes for efficient management.

Recommendation and Migration to Shopify: As the project progressed, Tekvill identified the potential advantages of migrating to Shopify, a specialized E-commerce platform. Tekvill recommended this transition to leverage Shopify’s dedicated E-commerce capabilities and extensive ecosystem.

Implementation: Tekvill employed a specific tech stack for this project, including:

Theme Development and Customization using Shopify’s Liquid language

Seamless Integration of Customer Support Tools for enhanced service

Integration of Multiple Payment Methods for increased flexibility

API Integration to ensure seamless connectivity with third-party systems and services

Outcome: The collaboration between Lightscanada and Tekvill resulted in a transformational upgrade of their E-commerce platform:

Improved User Experience: The complete UI/UX redesign significantly enhanced user engagement and interaction, leading to improved conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Scalability and Efficiency: The transition to Shopify provided Lightscanada with a robust and scalable platform, enabling efficient management of their expanding business operations.

Advanced E-commerce Capabilities: Leveraging Shopify’s specialized features, Lightscanada gained access to a wide array of tools and integrations, enhancing their E-commerce functionalities and streamlining operations.

Conclusion: Tekvill’s strategic approach, encompassing UI/UX redesign, backend enhancements, and the transition to Shopify, successfully addressed Lightscanada’s challenges. The optimized E-commerce platform empowered Lightscanada to provide a superior shopping experience for their customers while efficiently managing their growing business demands.

Tech Stack

Before shifting to Shopify

UI Design
Api Integrations

After shifting to Shopify

Theme Development
Customer Support Integration
Payment Methods Integration

  • CategoryDesign and Development